Focus groups are a form of marketing research used to gather opinions and attitudes from a target audience regarding certain products, services or concepts. A company may use focus groups to gather customer feedback on a new product or service, or a campaign may use focus groups to gather political opinions on candidates or ballot measures.

Below are the types of focus groups MMI-2 specializes in, along with the benefits of each type.

  • Dial Testing /Audience Response System
    • Dial testing offers quantitative precision combined with qualitative flexibility.
    • Dials are designed for simplicity and ease of use, yet are tremendously powerful.
    • Honest answers to every question, with each respondent having an equal voice.
    • Dials allow for anonymity within groups and eliminates “group think”.
    • Tabulations of response data it instantly available to moderator, allowing for directed discussion.
    • The software provides graphical, crosstab and quick
      frequency reports.
    • Powerful and popular Moment-to-Moment testing.
    • Moment-to-Moment video testing of television ads, programs, presentations, speeches, live entertainment, etc. provides material on a second-by-second basis, allowing for precise analysis, delivered in a convenient digital format.
    • The resulting moving line graph and superimpose it over the test material producing what we call an “overlay.”



Audience Response Tablets (ART)

  • The ability to create robust surveys utilizing a variety of question types and sophisticated program logic.
  • Intuitive and customizable features such as "skip logic", where a custom path is created through the survey, based on an answer to a particular question.
  • Images and videos can be shown individually on each tablet.
  • Real-time results are available, providing instant aggregated respondent results.
  • Question types can be broken down into subsets based on previously agreed upon categories.
  • ART is easily programmed and executed, and less expensive than traditional interactive group testing systems.
  • Good for individual, group and consumer testing.

Online Focus Groups

  • Online groups can be conducted with participants from a diverse geographical area.
  • Online focus groups can be organized in a fraction of the time required for face-to-face groups.
  • Online focus groups can offer a significant savings over face-to-face groups.
  • Online groups are good for personal or sensitive subject matter, partly because participants cannot see each other, and partly because they can answer privately, encouraging honest answers.